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Christmas Kisses with Her Boss Page 3
Christmas Kisses with Her Boss Read online
Page 3
Opening her eyes, she exhaled. ‘I can see how this hall would have been in medieval times. Jugglers, singers, raconteurs—a great table laden with food...’
‘Let me show you the other rooms.’
Ruby paused outside a large room adjoining the hall. ‘What about this one?’
‘You don’t need to worry about that one.’
Ethan knew his voice was guarded, but he had no wish to share his full vision for the castle with Ruby. There would be time enough to explain, as and when it was necessary. Right now she was on trial.
‘But it looks perfect for a café. Your guests won’t always want to dine in splendour—they might just want a sandwich or a bowl of soup. I could—’
‘I said you don’t need to worry about it.’
Seeing the flash of hurt cross her face, he raised his hand in a placatory gesture and smiled.
‘Right now I want you to see the parts of the castle that I have renovated—not worry about the ones I haven’t. Let’s keep moving.’
Another length of corridor and they reached a bar. ‘I want the castle to be representative of all periods of history. This room shows the Victorian era,’ he explained.
‘It is absolutely incredible!’ Ruby enthused as she stood and gazed around the room before walking to the actual bar, where she ran a hand along the smooth polished English oak.
Ethan gulped, mesmerised as her slender fingers slid its length. He turned the sound into what even he could hear was a less than plausible cough. ‘Would you like a drink? The bar’s not fully stocked yet, but I do have a selection of drinks.’
‘That would be really helpful.’
‘Yup. Lots of your guests will sit in here before coming into the restaurant. I want their movement to segue. So if I can just soak up the atmosphere in here a bit that would be helpful.’
‘Fine by me. What would you like to drink?’
‘Tomato juice with tabasco sauce.’
Ethan went behind the bar, ridiculously aware of her gaze on him as he squatted down to grab a bottle, deftly opened the tomato juice, shifted ice and peppered the mix with the fiery sauce.
A blink and she stepped away from the bar. ‘You’re a natural.’ Her voice edged with added husk.
‘I make sure I can stand in for any of my staff,’ he said, placing her drink on the bar, unable to risk so much as the brush of her hand. He gestured towards an area near the Victorian fireplace, with two overstuffed armchairs.
Ruby sat down and looked round the room, blue eyes widening. ‘You have done such a fabulous job here—I can’t really find words to describe it. I know I’ve never been to any of the other Caversham sites, but I did do a lot of online research and...’ Slim shoulders lifted. ‘This seems different. I can’t quite put my finger on it but this feels more...personal. Does that sound daft?’
No, it didn’t. It spoke volumes for her intuitive powers. His vision for the castle was personal. And it was going to stay that way. An explanation too likely to open him up to accolades—the idea set his teeth on the brink of discomfort. Even worse, it might pave the way to a discussion as to his motivations and a visit down memory lane. That was enough to make his soul run cold and he felt his mouth form a grim line.
Ruby twirled a strand of hair that had escaped its confines. ‘I’m not trying to pry, but if you do have a different idea for the castle restaurant then I need to know, so I can come up with the right design.’
Time to say something. ‘I feel proud of what I’ve already done here, and I’m sure we can work together to come up with a concept that works for the castle.’
Another glance around and then she smiled at him, a smile that warmed him despite his best attempts to erect a wall of coldness.
‘You’re right to be proud, Ethan—you have come so far. You said ten years ago you would make it big—but this...it’s gigantically humungous.’
There it was again—the tug back to the past. Yes, he’d vowed to succeed—how else could he show his mother, show the whole world, that he was worth something? That he was not his father.
‘I’m truly honoured to be part of it. So if there is anything I need to know, please share.’
Share. The word was alien. Ethan Caversham knew the best way to walk was alone. Ten years ago Ruby Hampton had slipped under his guard enough that he’d shared his dream of success. And instantly regretted the confidence when it had seemed to make her want more—now here she was again with a request that he share, and once again the promise of warmth in those eyes held allure, a tempt to disclosure.
Not this time—this time he’d break the spell at the outset.
‘I do have an attachment to the castle—I think it’s because it does feel steeped in history. That’s why I’ve gone into such detail. You may want to take note of the stone floors. Also the reason the room is predominantly ruby-red and dark green is that there were limited colours actually available then. And did you know that it was only in the eighteen-forties that wallpaper was first mass-produced?’
Excellent—he’d turned into a walking encyclopaedia on Victorian restoration.
Ruby nodded. ‘You’ve got it exactly right with the birds and animals motif, and the faux marble paint effects are spot-on too. As for the fireplace...it’s magnificent—especially with all the dried flowers.’
Clearly Ruby had decided to humour the boss and join in with the fact-bombardment.
‘I love the brass light fittings as well. And all the ornaments. The Victorians loved ornaments.’ She rose from the sofa and crouched down in front of one of a pair of porcelain dogs on either side of the fireplace. ‘These are a real find. A proper matching pair.’
‘They are,’ Ethan agreed. ‘How come you’re so knowledgeable?’
‘We looked into the idea of going Victorian in Forsythe’s.’
That seemed to cover Victoriana, and suddenly the atmosphere thickened.
Rising to her feet, Ruby reached out for her glass, drained it and glanced at her watch. ‘Would it be okay if I clocked off for today? I need to sort out somewhere to stay—I’ve got a list of places to ring.’
For a fraction of a second a shadow crossed her sapphire eyes. Then the hint of vulnerability was blinked away as she straightened her shoulders and smiled at him.
‘I’ll call them, find somewhere, and then grab a taxi.’
Realisation crashed down. She was scared—and who could blame her? Right now the idea of an encounter with the public was enough to daunt the staunchest of celebrities.
That instinctive need to protect her surged up and triggered his vocal cords. ‘Or you could stay here.’
‘HERE?’ RELIEF TOUCHED RUBY, but before she could succumb she forced her brain to think mode. ‘Why?’
Ethan shrugged. ‘It makes sense. It’s a hotel. There’s plenty of room. You’ll have to make your own bed, and there’s no housekeeping service, but you can have a suite and work more effectively here. I’ll be staying here too, so you won’t be on your own.’
Thoughts scrambled round her brain. Truth be told, she would feel safer here. Because of Ethan. The thought sneaked in and she dismissed it instantly. This was zip to do with Ethan—sheer logic dictated she should stay in the castle. Nothing to do with his aura, or the slow burn of the atmosphere.
‘Thank you, Ethan. If you’re sure.’
‘I’m sure. Let’s find you a bedroom.’
‘Um... Okay.’ Freaking great—here came a tidal wave blush adolescent-style at the word. How ridiculous. As preposterous as the thud of her heart as she followed him up the sweep of the magnificent staircase to the second floor, where he pushed open a door marked ‘Elizabethan Suite’ and stood back to let her enter.
‘Whoa!’ The room was stunnin
g, a panorama of resplendence, and yet despite its space, despite the splendour of the brocade curtains and the gorgeous wall-hangings that depicted scenes of verdure, her eyes were drawn with mesmerising force to the bed. Four-poster, awash with luxurious draperies—but right now all she could concentrate on was the fact that it was a bed.
For a crazy moment her mind raced to create an age-old formula; her body brazenly—foolishly—wanted to act on an instinct older than time. And for one ephemeral heartbeat his pupils darkened to slate-grey and she believed that insanity must be contagious...believed that he would close the gap between them.
Then Ethan stepped back and the instant dissolved, leaving a sizzle in the air. A swivel of the heel and he’d turned to the door.
‘I’ll meet you in the morning to finish showing you around. If you’re hungry there’s some basic food stuff in the kitchen.’
‘Okay.’ Though her appetite had deserted her—pushed aside by the spin of emotions Ethan had unleashed.
‘If you need anything you’ve got my mobile number. My suite is on the next floor. No one knows you’re here, so you can sleep easy.’
For the first time in the two horrendous weeks since she’d walked in on Hugh and a woman who had turned out to be a hooker she felt...safe...
‘Thank you. And, Ethan...?’
‘Thank you for today. For...well, for coming to my rescue again.’
A long moment and then he nodded, his expression unreadable. ‘No problem.’
‘Can I ask you something?’
Wariness crossed his face and left behind a guarded expression. ‘You can ask...’
‘Why did you call me to an interview?’
Silence yawned and Ruby’s breath caught. Foolish hope that he had wanted to make amends for the past unfurled.
‘Everyone is entitled to a chance,’ he said finally. ‘And everyone deserves a second one.’
The words were a deep rumble, and fraught with a connotation she couldn’t grasp.
‘Sleep well, Ruby. We’ve got a lot of work ahead.’
The door clicked shut behind him and Ruby sank down onto the bed.
Enough. Don’t analyse. Don’t think. Don’t be attracted to him. In other words, don’t repeat the mistakes of the past.
Ethan Caversham had offered her a chance and she wouldn’t let the jerk of attraction mess that up. Wouldn’t kid herself that it was more than that—more like a bond between them. Ruby shook her head—this was an aftermath...an echo of her ancient crush on the man. Because he’d rescued her again.
Only this time it had to play out differently. Instead of allowing the development of pointless feelings and imaginary emotional connections she would concentrate on the job at hand. Get through the trial period, secure the job as a permanent post and then she would be back on track. Heading towards her goal of a family.
One week later
Ethan gave a perfunctory knock and pushed the door open. Ruby looked up from her paper-strewn makeshift desk in the box room where she’d set up office. His conscience panged at her pale face and the dark smudges under her eyes. She’d worked her guts out these past days and he’d let her. More than that—he’d encouraged it.
Get a grip, Ethan.
That was what he paid her to do—to work and work hard. He had high expectations of all his employees and made no bones about it. Ruby was no different.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that, Ethan. Say it enough times and maybe it will become true.
‘Earth to Ethan. I was about to call you with an update. I’ve got delivery dates for the furniture for the banqueting hall and I’ve found a mural painter. I’ve mocked up some possible uniforms—black and red as a theme—and...’
‘That’s all sounds great, but that’s not why I’m here. There’s something else I need you to do.’
‘Okay. No problem. Shoot.’
‘Rafael Martinez is coming for dinner and I need you to rustle us up a meal.’
Her dark eyebrows rose. ‘Rafael Martinez—billionaire wine guru, owner of the vineyard of all vineyards—is coming for dinner? Why on earth didn’t you mention it before?’
‘Because I didn’t know. I’d scheduled to meet him later this month, but he called to say he’s in the UK and that tonight would suit him. I realise it’s not ideal. But Rafael and I are...’
Old friends? Nope. Acquaintances? More than that. Old schoolmates? The idea was almost laughable—he and Rafael had bunked off more school than they had attended.
‘We go back a while.’
‘Maybe you should take him out somewhere?’
‘I’d rather discuss business in private. But if it’s too much for you...?’
He made no attempt to disguise the challenge in his tone, and she made no attempt to pretend she didn’t hear it, angling her chin somewhere between determination and defiance.
‘Leave it with me.’
‘You’re sure?’
‘I’m sure.’
‘Look on this as a test of your ability to handle a restaurant crisis.’
‘Yippee. An opportunity!’
A snort of laughter escaped his lips. ‘That’s the attitude. I’ll leave you to it.’
Whilst he figured out the best way to approach Rafael with his proposition... Rafael Martinez was known more for his playboy tendencies and utterly ruthless business tactics than his philanthropic traits. But Ethan had been upfront in his preliminary approach—had intimated that his agenda was a business deal with a charitable bent—and Rafael had agreed to meet. Somehow it seemed unlikely that he’d done so to reminisce over the bad old days of their more than misguided youth.
He’d reached the doorway when he heard Ruby’s voice. ‘Actually... I’ve had an idea...’
Ethan turned. ‘Go ahead.’
‘Okay. So it’s best if you eat in the bar—it’s a pretty impressive room, and I think we should make it a little bit Christmassy.’
‘Christmassy?’ Somehow the idea of Christmas and Rafael didn’t exactly gel. ‘I don’t think so, Ruby. My guess is that Rafael is even less enamoured with the schmaltz of Christmas than me.’
A shake of her dark head and an exaggerated sigh. ‘I’m not suggesting schmaltz. If we were open we would be playing the Christmas card—of course we would.’ For a second a hint of wistfulness touched her face. ‘Can’t you picture it? An enormous tree. Garlands. Twinkling lights—’ She broke off and frowned. ‘I assume all your other business ventures offer Christmas deals and a proper Christmas ambience?’
‘Yes, but I don’t do it myself.’
He wouldn’t have the first clue how—he hadn’t celebrated Christmas Day in the traditional sense since...since Tanya was alive.
For a second he was transported back to childhood. His sister had loved Christmas...had made it magical—she had made him help her make paper chains and decorate the tree, and although he’d protested they’d both known the protest to be half-hearted. She’d chivvied their mum into the festive spirit and the day had always been happy. But after Tanya... Well, best not to go there.
‘To be honest, I’m not much of a Christmas type of guy. And I’m pretty sure Rafael isn’t either.’
‘Well, luckily for you I’m a Christmas type of gal. I’m thinking a tasteful acknowledgement of the time of year so that Rafael Martinez gets an idea of how Caversham Castle would showcase his wine. The Martinez Vineyards offer plenty of Christmas wines. Plus, if we do it right the whole Christmas edge might soften him up.’
Difficult to imagine, but given he hoped to appeal to Rafael’s charitable side maybe it was worth a shot. And he believed in encouraging staff initiative and drive.
‘Knock yourself out,’ he said.
sp; ‘Fabulous. I’ll hit the shops.’
* * *
Ruby crouched down and carefully moved the small potted tree a couple of centimetres to the left of the hearth. She inhaled the scent of fir and soil and felt a small glow of satisfaction at a job well done. Or at least she thought so—Ethan clearly had reservations about the whole Christmas idea, and her research into Rafael Martinez had shown her why.
Like Ethan Caversham, he had a reputation for ruthlessness, and an internet trawl had revealed images of a man with a dark aura. Midnight hair, tall, with a dominant nose and deep black eyes. Unlike Ethan, he’d left a score of girlfriends in his wake—all glamorous, gorgeous and very, very temporary. For a second Ruby dwelled on Ethan, and curiosity about his love-life bubbled. But it was none of her business.
He’s your boss, nothing more.
Ruby leapt up and swivelled round. Chill, Ruby. Ethan was many things, but he was not a mind-reader.
‘Hey. Sorry. You startled me.’ She gestured around. ‘What do you think? I was just making sure the trees don’t overshadow Dash and Dot.’
‘Dash and Dot?’
Ruby chewed her bottom lip. Idiot.
Ethan’s lips turned up in a sudden small smile and her toes curled. For a second he’d looked way younger, and she could remember her flash of gratification at winning a rare smile all those years ago.
‘You named the china dogs?’
‘Yes. In my head. I have to admit I didn’t intend to share that fact with anyone. But, yes, I did. Queen Victoria had a spaniel called Dash, you see.’ Ruby puffed out a sigh. ‘And then I thought of Dot because of Morse code. Anyway, what do you think?’
‘Excellent names,’ he said, his features schooled to gravity, though amusement glinted in his eyes.
Ruby couldn’t help but chuckle, despite the clawing worry that he’d loathe what she’d done. ‘I meant the decorations.’
Hope that he’d approve mixed with annoyance at her need for approval. A hangover from childhood, when approval had been at high premium and in short supply.